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Here's the guide to sustainable farming, promising a greener future

As we move towards a greener future, sustainable farming practices are gaining more importance. Not only do these practices help to protect our planet, but they also benefit farmers and their businesses. Here, we will explore the guide to sustainable farming and how it promises a greener future.

Sustainable farming is the practice of producing food and fibre using methods that protect the environment, public health, human communities, and animal welfare. It is a holistic approach to farming that considers the long-term impacts of agricultural practices on natural resources, biodiversity, and the climate. These practices are not only good for the farmers but also encouraged by a general insurance company, which faces fewer risks and liabilities when insuring sustainable farms.

The benefits of sustainable farming practices
By adopting sustainable practices such as crop rotation, cover crops, conservation tillage, and integrated pest management, farmers can regulate their environmental footprint and promote biodiversity. These practices can also reduce risks and liabilities, leading to lower premiums from a general insurance company.

Here are some promising sustainable agriculture practices every farmer should know to create a greener future.

1. Crop rotation
Crop rotation is the practice of planting different crops in the same field each year. This helps to reduce soil erosion, nutrient depletion, and the build-up of pests and diseases in the soil.

2. Composting
Composting is the process of turning organic waste into nutrient-rich fertiliser for crops. It's an eco-friendly and cost-effective method of soil enrichment.

3. Cover crops
Cover crops are planted to cover the soil during the off-season to prevent erosion and nutrient depletion. These crops also help to fix nitrogen in the soil, making it more fertile for the next season.

4. Conservation tillage
Conservation tillage is the practice of leaving crop residues on the soil surface after harvest. This helps to reduce soil erosion, increase soil organic matter, and conserve moisture.

5. Integrated pest management
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a sustainable approach to pest management that combines biological, cultural, and chemical methods. IPM helps to reduce the use of pesticides and promotes the natural balance of the ecosystem.

6. Agroforestry
Agroforestry is the practice of integrating trees and crops on the same land to create a sustainable and diverse farming system. This system promotes biodiversity, reduces soil erosion, and enhances the soil's fertility.

7. Precision agriculture
Precision agriculture is the use of technology and data to optimise crop production and reduce waste. This approach helps farmers to make informed decisions about the use of fertilisers, pesticides, and water resources.

8. Organic farming
Organic farming is a method of agriculture that avoids the use of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, and genetically modified organisms. Organic farming promotes soil health and biodiversity and reduces the negative impact of agriculture on the environment.

9. Water conservation
Water conservation is a critical aspect of sustainable farming. Farmers can use various techniques such as drip irrigation, rainwater harvesting, and water-efficient crops to reduce water waste and preserve this precious resource.

10. Green manure
Green manure is a cover crop that's grown specifically to be turned into the soil to improve its fertility. This practice helps to reduce soil erosion, increase organic matter, and improve soil structure.

In conclusion, sustainable farming is the way forward for a greener, more equitable, and more resilient food system. By adopting sustainable agriculture practices, farmers can contribute to society and the country, promote biodiversity, improve their profitability and resilience, and be the torchbearer of a more sustainable and equitable future for all. These practices also reduce risks and liabilities for a general insurance company, leading to lower premiums and a more stable and sustainable insurance market. By working together, farmers and a general insurance company can create a more sustainable and equitable food system that benefits everyone.

Click HERE to buy the best general insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


These are a few signs that you must change your eyeglasses

Eyeglasses are an essential tool for people with vision problems. They enable us to see clearly and carry out daily activities with ease. However, as time passes, your vision can change. Also, your eyeglasses may no longer suit your needs. Wearing outdated glasses can cause eye strain and headaches, affecting our overall health. Therefore, it is crucial to recognise the signs that it's time to change your eyeglasses.

If you're experiencing vision problems or are wearing eyeglasses over two years old, it may be time to visit an eye doctor for a comprehensive checkup. In this blog post, we will discuss signs that indicate it's time to change your eyeglasses. By being aware of these signs, you can take steps to ensure that your vision is always clear and healthy. Additionally, remember the importance of affordable health insurance plans in helping you cover the costs of eye tests and eyeglasses.

1. Difficulty seeing clearly
If you face difficulty seeing once-clear objects, it's a sign to update your eyeglasses. This can happen if your prescription needs to be updated or your eyeglasses are scratched or damaged.

2. Squinting or eye strain
Squinting or eye strain can indicate that your eyeglasses are no longer effective. Squinting and straining your eyes to see can cause discomfort and frequent headaches, leading to further vision problems over time.

3. Double vision
The double vision indicates that you need an eyeglass update. This can be caused by an outdated prescription or eyeglasses that are scratched or damaged.
4. Pain in eyes and headaches
One of the most common signs you need to change your eyeglasses is regular eye pain and headaches. If you experience these issues, especially after long periods of reading or working on the computer, it may be time for a new prescription.

5. Blurry vision
Blurry vision is another sign that it's time to update your eyeglasses. This can occur if you have an outdated prescription or wear damaged or scratched lenses. You might find it difficult to focus on objects, which can be a long-term problem if not corrected.

6. Safety concerns
If you work in a profession that requires you to wear safety glasses, it's essential to ensure that your prescription is up-to-date. Wearing outdated or incorrect safety glasses can put you at risk of injury, as they may not provide adequate protection.

7. Faded or discoloured lenses
Over time, the lenses in your eyeglasses may become faded or discoloured. This can affect your vision and make it more difficult to see clearly. Ensure your glasses are checked for quality after 5 to 6 months of constant use.

8. Broken or bent frames
If your eyeglasses frames are broken or bent, it's time to replace them. Wearing broken or bent frames can be uncomfortable and cause further damage to your vision.

9. Ageing eyeglasses
As eyeglasses age, they may become less effective at correcting vision problems. It's essential to update your eyeglasses regularly to ensure they are still effective.

10. Lifestyle changes
If your lifestyle changes, your eyeglasses may no longer suit your needs. For example, if you have started a new job that requires you to spend more time in front of a computer, you may need eyeglasses with a different prescription. You must opt for glasses offering UV protection and coverage from harmful blue rays from your computer screen.

Updating your eyeglasses and ensuring regular servicing is essential for maintaining good eye health and clear vision. If you are experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, you must schedule an appointment with your eye doctor to determine the need for a new prescription or eyeglasses.

Additionally, affordable health insurance plans can provide financial support for vision care and eyewear, making it easier to access the care you need to keep your eyes healthy.

Click HERE to learn more about how to list the most affordable health insurance plans that will optimally cater to your needs.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


The benefits of nature for health: How spending time outdoors improves your well-being

We frequently think about things like food, rest, exercise, and self-care when we consider what it means to be healthy. All these are essential components of a healthy lifestyle, but we neglect one critical element: spending time in nature. There are several benefits of nature for our physical and mental wellness. Spending time outdoors, whether walking in the park, trekking in the mountains, or just relaxing in a garden, can benefit our general health.

Benefits of spending time in nature Spending time outdoors can improve your mood and help you focus more clearly on your overall well-being. Here are some advantages you can get by going out for a while.

1. Boosts mood
Your mood can be positively uplifted by time spent in nature, which can result in emotions of joy and contentment. Studies have shown that serotonin, a brain chemical that controls mood, can be increased by exposure to natural light.

2. Reduces stress
Being in nature has been proven to relax the body and mind. Outdoor time can assist in lowering stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. It may result in calmness and relaxation, which helps reduce stress and anxiety.

3. Improves cognitive performance
It has been demonstrated that being in nature enhances cognitive abilities such as memory, attention, and creativity. Exposure to natural environments can promote cognitive performance by lowering mental tiredness and increasing focus.

4. Enhances sleep
Spending time outside can improve the quality of your sleep by regulating your body's natural sleep-wake cycle. Your circadian clock can be reset by exposure to natural light, which will result in better sleep habits.

5. Enhances physical health
Outdoor exercises like running, cycling, and hiking can strengthen bones and muscles. It will lower the risk of developing chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. The body can manufacture vitamin D with sunlight, which is necessary for strong bones.

6. Improves social bonds
Time spent outside can strengthen relationships and offer chances for valuable social contacts. Spending time outdoors with friends or family can deepen bonds, enhancing happiness and well-being.

7. Boost creativity
A little sunshine can spark our imaginations and enable us to engage with nature. Our minds can become more active because of the vibrant colours, which can inspire innovation. Being surrounded by nature's sounds can be highly relaxing and therapeutic.

8. Improves your immunity
Numerous plants release molecules into the air, including organic substances known as phytoncides, that appear to enhance immunity. Additionally, sunlight seems to stimulate T cells, immune system-specific cells that aid in the battle against infection.

9. Maintains a healthy weight
Spending time outside will make you more active and improve your sleep. Both of these activities help in burning calories. Also, being out in the morning can help you maintain weight and lose extra kilos by taking regular nature walks.

10. Increases self-esteem
Outdoor activities like hiking and rock climbing can increase self-worth by fostering a sense of success. It can boost your well-being overall by increasing your confidence.

Humans are becoming disconnected from nature due to working in cosmopolitan city culture. Any time spent in nature can help you experience the many advantages to your mental and physical well-being. We can maximise the health benefits of spending time in nature by adding outdoor activities into our daily schedules and looking into the rewards provided by health insurance companies. The benefits of nature and outdoor activities should be considered when you buy health insurance online India.

Click HERE to buy health insurance online in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Staying safe during cyclone season: Tips for protecting your property and your family

A cyclone is a storm that rotates viciously around a centre of low atmospheric pressure. It advances at high speeds and causes heavy torrential rains, forcing havoc and a lot of destruction. The peak season of cyclone formation in India ranges from May to November and primarily affects the coastal states.

Cyclones are known to cause heavy damage to property and lives. They can destroy houses and buildings, wash away entire villages and towns, damage agricultural cultivation, and cause loss of lives.

Here are some useful tips for protecting your property and family during the cyclone season.

1. Secure your house
Make your house safe and sound before the arrival of the cyclone season. Doors and windows with broken hinges and latches can fall off during cyclonic weather and hurt you and your family. Fix them, and secure loose tiles in your house to make them safe and sturdy. Arrange for a few wooden boards that can be used to secure your windows and prevent them from breaking during torrential winds. Do not leave loose bricks, garbage cans, signboards, broken furniture, etc., outside your house, as they can be swept off in the storm and cause damage during a cyclone.

2. Vacate your house
If you feel your house or building has become too old and dilapidated, do not stay in it during the cyclone season. A cyclone has the power to bring your old building down. Apart from causing you a lot of financial loss, it can cost your lives too in such a case.

Also, if your house is near a beach and can be swept away by a high tide or stormy waves, vacate it if you hear a cyclone warning from a credible source. Do not rely upon social media forwards in such a situation. Look out for cyclone warnings in local newspapers, on the television, or confirm with the local administration. Low-lying areas get flooded in no time in such storms. Leave early to high-lying areas, or you might get stuck in a flooded region.

3. Stock up
A cyclone often brings an extended power blackout and floods, and you might get stuck in your house for an unexpectedly long time. Hence, stock up on essential food and grocery items used in emergencies. You can store packaged and canned food at your home. Stock up on snacks that need no or little preparation for consumption and have a shelf life of several months.
Along with food, stock up on essential medicines you regularly take or may need in emergencies. Try to keep a spare filled gas cylinder at home as the supply of your piped natural gas line will be shut down for a long time. Also, keep spare batteries and power banks at home, as they may be handy in long power blackouts.

4. Electrical wiring
Make sure your house wiring is up-to-date and covered, especially on the outside. Loose wires hanging outside your house can cause a serious electric shock hazard in times of cyclonic weather. If you see broken wires hanging outside your house, such as from a lamp post, do not touch them or step in flooded water. It may have a running current and cause shock and or threat to life.

5. Car and bike safety
If you hear a credible warning about an upcoming cyclone, rush to park your car or bike on some high ground. A strong flood can destroy your car or two-wheeler by damaging its engine or even sweeping it away.

Being cautious and alert beforehand is always better than facing a natural disaster without any preparation. The above tips can help you minimise damage to your life and property in case of a cyclone and help you deal with it bravely. Along with the other preparations, you should buy insurance from the best general insurance companies in India to secure you financially in such disasters. Opt for good health insurance, house and property, auto, and asset insurance policies, and stay safe and secure.

Click HERE to buy the best general insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Digital rearview mirrors are here to make driving simpler!

Technology is rapidly changing with each passing day. Every invention caters to the needs of people. One such innovation is the digital rearview mirror. Nowadays, people have installed these new-age camera-based devices in their cars to enhance their overall driving experience.

Most rearview mirrors have a camera fitted at the car's backside to give a clear road view. The new Camera Monitor System is one of the latest technologies incorporated with the regular rearview mirrors to display the digitised camera seized images of the objects behind the car. Installing digital rearview mirrors in the car may be costly, but nothing is more important than your and your family's safety.

If you are still deciding whether to install and use digital rearview mirrors, here are some advantages that may simplify your decision-making.

1. Clearer vision
Unlike regular rearview mirrors, digital ones provide a broad road view through high-definition cameras and advanced systems. Digital rearview mirrors have better functionalities when compared with conventional rearview mirrors. Moreover, these digitised rearview mirrors capture the lower part of the car, which gives the driver a better sense of the objects behind the car when they are in reverse mode.

Besides this, these mirrors also work well in low light and help you to park the car properly. You can be assured of a clear vision of the approaching vehicles and obstacles. This way, you can be prepared to take desired actions in advance to avoid hitting anything on your way.

2. Greater stability
These digital rearview mirrors have been rated under the ADAS Level 2 functional category. Thus, they offer better stability than traditional rearview mirrors. However, digital rearview mirrors are expensive. Therefore, many prefer to purchase car insurance policies covering damage to these digitised mirrors.

3. Flexibility
The rearview mirrors encounter fog, rain, or snow, which can affect their vision quality. However, digitised mirrors work effectively under any weather condition. They can easily give clear images of the road as fitted outside the vehicle. You can rely on your digital rearview for an unobstructed road view during all weather conditions. Remember to take the necessary steps to insure your car against mishaps or accidents by getting reliable car insurance. Research more to get clarity about such car insurance price in India and make an informed decision.

4. Improved safety
As mentioned above, the digital rearview mirrors give clear vision and offer excellent stability, ensuring a safe ride. Using these new-age mirrors, you can easily see what is happening at the rear side of your car. These mirrors also ensure your safety by measuring the distance between the vehicles and estimating the distance to maintain.

Besides this, you can easily control these digitised mirrors by adjusting the camera as per your needs. Also, you can reduce glare, change contrast detection, and use autofocus functions to get better visibility.

5. Better design
The digital rearview mirrors have many clearly defined functionalities that suit all driving conditions. These digitised rearview mirrors give better visibility regardless of obstructions blocking the view. They give you a clear vision inside your car, minimising the chances of collisions.

The new technology of digital rearview mirrors is here to stay, as they are the future of commercial and personal vehicles. But remember to purchase car insurance to financially covers this new technology and expensive components. Check the car insurance price in India and choose the one that suits your needs and requirements the best.

Click HERE to check the car insurance price in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


SUVs are the smart choice over sedans & hatchbacks in 2023!

Buying a car is often a challenging decision. One must decide between several car categories, brands, shapes and sizes, power, variants, and colour before making the final decision. Before determining the final vehicle, you must also consider your budget constraints, use, and available parking space.

Since you buy a car with a long-term perspective, choosing between buying an SUV (Sports utility vehicle), sedan, or hatchback is a big decision you must make wisely.

Out of the given variants, SUVs are gaining more demand in recent times. Let us see why SUVs are the smart choice over sedans and hatchbacks in 2023.

1. Spacious
SUVs are undoubtedly more spacious than most of the sedans and hatchbacks available. They offer more legroom and headroom for everyone, including passengers with a heavy or very tall build. SUVs provide a comfortable and spacious ride for the drivers with a good view of the road ahead because of their height. These vehicles also come with a huge boot space and enough storage options.

2. Off-roading
Rising incomes and higher spending capacity have sharply increased youngsters making frequent weekend trips and getaways. Gone are the days when we used to book train tickets for our pre-planned vacations. Taking your car for weekend holidays and short unplanned vacations is common these days.

This significant change in holiday mindset makes SUVs a smart choice over sedans and hatchbacks. They are perfect for off-roading and tough terrains.

3. Huge variety
The SUVs offer buyers a wide range of options, including interior and exterior features and transmission power. They provide customisable colour combinations, matching tyre rims, different grill and roof designs, etc. You can also buy a particular SUV model with a 5-seater or a 7-seater option depending on the seat configuration and model variant you are buying. Adding third-row seating can be convenient and advantageous for bigger families. High-end SUVs also come with huge sunroofs, which are missing in a sedan or a hatchback. This adds to their aesthetic appeal.

As far as transmission power is concerned, SUVs are clear winners. These SUVs are power-packed with big engines that provide a thrilling driving experience. Some of them come with 4x4 capability that can give you great control and power in rough terrains, especially during off-roading.

4. Lower fuel consumption at reasonable prices
Gone are the days when SUVs used to cost a bomb and were diesel-guzzlers. To tap the new-aged market for SUVs, car manufacturers have done their homework well and improved the fuel efficiency of present-day cars. Also, they have trimmed their pricing because of increasing demand, facilitating mass production and economies of scale. This has made the SUVs fairly priced in comparison to sedans and hatchbacks.

SUVs are the smart choice over sedans & hatchbacks in 2023. They offer a complete package of luxury, power, speed, fuel economy, and competitive pricing, making them a step ahead of the other car categories.

However, it is essential to remember that owning a car also comes with a responsibility to have a best car insurance in India. An active car insurance policy is mandatory by law. Also, it provides financial protection in the unfortunate event of an accident with your car, any damage to it, or even if it gets stolen. Always choose the best car insurance in India after doing adequate research.

Click HERE to buy the best car insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Know when and how you can get your car’s engine tune-up done

An engine is the core of our car, and you would want it to be in perfect shape every time you turn on its ignition. An engine tune-up consists of checking, diagnosing, and fixing minor problems that come up in the engine with regular usage of the car. This process includes checking the spark plugs, wires, distributor caps, air filters, oil filters, fuel filters and wiring, etc.

Regular engine tune-up helps extend your car's life and increase its efficiency. Let's understand how you can get your car's engine tune-up done.

When do you need a tune-up?

The odometer is the first and foremost thing that can tell us that your car's engine needs a tune-up. If your car has completed the minimum number of kilometres specified by the vehicle manufacturer, after which an engine tune-up becomes due.

Other signs that can indicate that an engine tune-up is required are lack of power and pick-up, decreased fuel mileage, erratic running, problem in starting, malfunctioning lights flashing on the dashboard, etc.

How can you get your car's engine tune-up done?

You should always go to an authorised service centre recommended by your car manufacturer for an engine tune-up. Any outside service provider or mechanic should never do your car's engine tune-up, as it may null and void the engine warranty.

The basic steps for an engine tune-up are as follows:

1. Replacing plugs and wires:
The first step in an engine tune-up is thoroughly checking the ignition system and its functioning. The spark plugs, coils, plugs, wires, and any other electrical part that helps in the car ignition are to be inspected.
For example, ignition wires can break down or wear out with usage. It can result in misfiring, performance loss, rough idling, and, eventually, making your car cylinder dead. Similarly, we need to check whether the ignition coils are in good shape and working properly. It can also lead to engine misfiring, poor acceleration, low fuel mileage, etc.

2. Filter change:
There are various types of car filters, such as oil filters, fuel filters, air filters, and cabin filters. Timely cleaning of filters is essential for improving engine performance and efficiency. If the filters are dirty, the engine will toil hard to get the required air, fuel, or oil, thus making it choked and perform poorly.

3. Belts and hoses:
All hoses need to be checked as they transfer vital fluids across the engine. Any disruption in the hoses will result in engine malfunction. Similarly, we need to check various belts that help the engine to run efficiently as they wear down, turn brittle, crack and eventually break with time and usage.

4. Right liquids:
For a car engine to perform perfectly, it needs a variety of fluids in perfect proportion, such as engine oil, coolant, brake fluids, power steering fluid, transmission fluid, etc. There is a regular change interval for each of the fluids. The change also depends on your car usage.

If you use your car regularly and run around a lot, you will need to change these fluids frequently and vice-versa. If you do not change these fluids timely, they can lead to engine malfunction and even breakdown.

Regular and timely engine tune-up is very important for keeping your car fit. It ensures that your car runs efficiently and its heart- the engine is in perfect shape. It also helps to increase the life of your car.

To address the car's safety, you must purchase a private car insurance India policy. It protects your car from any damage or loss that it may suffer from fire, theft, accidents, natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods, etc. It also provides coverage from third-party liabilities. Hence, you must choose the right insurance service provider to provide adequate coverage and protection in times of need.

Click HERE to buy private car insurance India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Did you know that you can be charged a fine if found driving a car without mandatory accessories

Cars are almost our second home as we spend 2-3 hours daily commuting in them. Most of us love to go for different types of fancy car accessories available in the market. Accessories make our car ride comfortable and convenient. Also, they add style to the car and make it look sportier and cooler.

But, do you know that a few accessories are mandatory by law, without which you cannot drive on Indian roads and can be fined. Let us explain them to you:

1. High-security number plate:
High-security registration plate or HSRP is mandatory to be used on your car along with the colour-coded sticker that comes with it. We cannot install fancy number plates with fashionable fonts just to make our car look stylish and unique. HSRP has been made mandatory in India from 1st April 2019.
This number plate is made of aluminium and cannot be removed from a vehicle once installed. It also has a unique 10-digit permanent identification number (PIN), so it cannot be cloned or copied. If you do not have an HSRP on your car, you can be fined anywhere between INR 5000 to INR 10000, depending on your state. Also, repeat offenders can be charged a compounding fine of INR 5500.

2. Lights:
You will be surprised to know that there are rules regarding the various types of lights you use in your car. These lights include car headlights, sidelights, tail lights, and registration plate lights. According to the Motor Vehicles Act, functional headlights, sidelights, taillights, and registration plate lights are mandatory.
Non-functioning lights can make you go blind at night, or vehicles approaching from the other side may not see you. In either of the cases, you may meet with an accident. You can be fined if any of these lights are not working properly, as this can be hazardous for you and other vehicles on the road. .

3. Rear and side-view mirrors:
Rear-view mirrors are a mandatory accessory for your car as per sections 5 and 7 of the Central Motor Vehicles Act. You can be fined for not driving with a rear-view mirror. Similarly, police can penalise you if you drive around without side-view mirrors or if they are folded!

4. Horn:
Cars must have an electric horn that can warn other vehicles around them that they are approaching. Driving your car with a faulty horn can attract a fine of INR 500 for the first time and INR 1500 for every subsequent offense. However, the fine amount can vary from one state to another.

5. Wipers:
Wipers are essential because they are the key tools for visibility during heavy rains. Driving without wipers is illegal, and you can be fined for that. If you get stuck in heavy rain without a wiper, you will not be able to see anything in front of you clearly, and there will be a high chance of an accident.

You can have a long list of fancy accessories to make your car stand out from the crowd, however, you should not neglect the above list of mandatory accessories required by law. Travelling without them can attract fines and penalties.

Renewal of motor insurance timely is also mandatory by law. Driving your car for a day after your motor insurance expires is also illegal. Do not delay the renewal, as you can conveniently get online motor insurance renewal without visiting the insurance office. Be safe, be protected.

Click HERE to get the online motor insurance renewal.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Help your ageing parents tackle loneliness with these practical tips

While we live in a more digital world, it's natural for our elderly population to feel left out of meaningful conversations. Many young individuals also find themselves in the self-imposed isolation of the virtual system.

With age, bodily functions are hampered, and our elders don't have the energy as before. Their mental health also takes a toll and is impacted because of the fear of being unable to match with the current generation. The increasing age draws anxiety and health problems, making elders feel lonely and less productive. It is important to consider the elderly who may be alone and far from their children and other loved ones.

Do you have older parents at home? We have listed some measures you can take to lessen the loneliness your elderly parents may feel.

1. Get them out with people:
Social interactions decline with age. The seniors among us can attest to this truth more than anyone else. Their isolation can be alleviated by encouraging them to interact with others. Sometimes, interaction with new people might lead to lifelong friendships. Age shouldn't be a barrier to meeting new people and making new acquaintances. While making new friends is always exciting, a downpour of old memories comes with existing friendships.
Parents have lived longer, so it is natural for them to have lots of anecdotes to share. It just takes someone to listen for them to feel better. So, don't miss out on listening to their stories. Research shows that when seniors are provided opportunities for introspection, they report higher levels of satisfaction with both their lives and the world at large. By learning to control their feelings, they will become warmer, friendly, and, most importantly, less lonely.

2. Encourage for plant / pet:
You can lift seniors' moods and enrich their routines by gifting a plant or animal to care for, giving them a touch of responsibility and affection. In addition, there appears to be a correlation between senior citizens who keep pets and a lower incidence of health problems requiring medical intervention. Caring for plants at home or a nursery and looking after pets help keep the elders occupied with positivity and enjoy cheerful company.

3. Rely on experts:
Geriatric care managers can help seniors who don't have close family nearby. Typically, geriatric care managers are seasoned physicians or carers who figure out how to best meet the emotional and social requirements of their elderly patients.
Caregivers for the elderly spend the opportunity to get to know their patients, start friendly conversations, and engage them in mentally stimulating activities like games and mindful tasks like painting, singing, yoga, etc. Perhaps going for affordable health insurance plans for parents that may include professional services and additional health benefits should be your priority.

4. Communication:
Communicate often with your ageing loved one and engage them in conversation. Your close family member might appreciate more frequent phone calls from you. Communication is the best way to bond with your elders and make them feel valued.

5. Remind them of their importance:
Inviting them to join in on the festivities is a great way to show them how much they mean to you. Inspire them to reach their potential, but avoid giving the impression that any help you provide stems from a sense of obligation on your part. Express your affection for them and let them know that they will always be an important member of your family.

Loneliness doesn't pose an immediate health risk. Therefore, some people might not take the possibility of it seriously. While isolation might not seem like a problem, it can become one if left unchecked. Elders usually don't open up about the problems they face so easily with their family members. Studies and statistics show that the elders are more likely to require hospitalisation, so you must do everything you can to keep them in a positive frame of mind and reward them with affordable health insurance plans for parents to ensure their wellbeing.

Click HERE to buy the best and affordable health insurance plans for parents.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Apply these ten efficient measures to drive smartly and save fuel

Fuel prices are soaring daily in most Indian states and have a cascading impact on the public. Owning an EV or electric vehicle is still a far-fetched dream for most of us because of its unaffordability due to high prices and the absence of charging infrastructure across the country.

The price of CNG or Compressed Natural Gas has also touched all-time highs making it unviable to replace vehicles running on conventional fuel, i.e., petrol and diesel. So how do we save fuel and, eventually, our hard-earned money?

Let us go through some efficient measures to drive smartly and save fuel.

1. Accelerate smoothly:
Never accelerate suddenly since the engine uses maximum fuel when it achieves speed from being stationary. Therefore, the harder we accelerate, the more fuel it consumes. Make it a habit to accelerate gently, helping the car steadily gain speed. Always go easy with your car!

2. Drive in economy mode:
Most cars nowadays come with an economy or eco mode that maintains a balance between fuel efficiency and speed. Also, drive below the speed of 80-90 kmph, which is considered the ideal speed limit to achieve and maintain fuel efficiency. Anything over it will result in a higher fuel burn rate and a lower average per litre.

3. Manage your gear shift wisely:
Driving your vehicle in the right gear can help you save considerably on fuel. You put undue pressure on the engine if you drive in the wrong gear, resulting in higher fuel consumption.

4. Maintain correct tyre pressure:
Always maintain correct tyre pressure as under-inflated tyres resist proper rolling, putting more pressure on the engine. This will lower mileage, burning a hole in your pocket in the long run.

5. Use air-conditioning wisely:
A vehicle’s air-conditioning system burns up much fuel, resulting in lower fuel efficiency. Avoid using the air-conditioning system when your car is stationary or idle for a long time. Switch off the AC and roll down the windows when possible. Use the re-circulate option in your vehicle while using the AC.

6. Use your car wisely:
You can save fuel even by being smart in using your car. Do not make unnecessary and multiple trips to the supermarket all day. Prepare a list of things you need to buy, and when your list is big enough, go and get them. Also, go for carpools. It will be wise for four or five colleagues to carpool if the route permits, go together to the office, and divide the fuel cost rather than everyone going by their personal vehicle.

7. Ditch the extra weight:
Travel light. Ensure your boot is not full of unwanted stuff that adds weight to your car. Also, remove the carrier when it is not in use. Driving light can help you be more fuel-efficient.

● Anyone running a business with a steady stream of customers coming in and out of the building daily.

● Corporation owners who attend to numerous clients each day.

Following are the types of burglary insurance available under the general insurance India category.

8. Use “Fastag”:
Make use of a “Fastag” while driving on a highway. With it, you can cross a toll booth in a few seconds, helping you save on fuel.

9. Use “cruise control”:
Use the “cruise control” feature in your car, especially while driving on a highway. This will help you to maintain a constant speed without needing to push the accelerator constantly, giving you much better fuel efficiency.

10. Avoid idling:
Switch off your engine whenever you have to make a stop for over 20 seconds. Switching off and restarting will consume less fuel than your engine being on while your car is stationary.

Apply these efficient measures to drive smartly and see how you save fuel and eventually money over a few days. You can also buy the best car insurance to get complete protection at low premium rates and comprehensive car insurance benefits. Be smart, save money, and choose the best!

Click HERE to buy car insurance and insure your car with reliable coverage.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How different types of car engines impact insurance costs

Owning a car is not an easy task. You need to check the car features, mileage, prices, road safety, inner functionalities, maintenance, and servicing are a few things on a very long list. And one of the most critical points on this list is insurance. It would be best if you keep up with the premiums and renewal dates. Not everyone has sufficient information about insurance before they purchase it. This is why you must gather all the pointers from your insurance provider or agent before exploring your options.

Are you looking to purchase insurance and trying to understand the options? Are there any differences based on the type of car you own? Well, this blog is all about how different types of car engines impact insurance costs and will help you gain better insights about car insurance before you get one or switch your insurance policy.

1. Let’s discuss different engine sizes:
A car engine has two main parts: a few cylinders and a piston. And as we are aware of the combustion process where the fuel goes through the burning process in the cylinder. This provides sufficient energy for the piston to function, and through various connected mechanical systems, the generated power helps you drive the car.
Car engines are segregated according to the fuel volume of the cylinders. They are classified as under 1.0-litre, 1.0 to 2.0-litres, 2.0 to 3.0-litres and 3.0-plus. Diesel engines have a similar classification, except there will be no car with a less than one-litre engine capacity.

2. How do different engine sizes impact your insurance costs:
The power of your car majorly depends on the size of your engine. If your vehicle has a big engine, it is considered powerful. And this ultimately means that your car insurance will come under the higher tab/group. And if your insurance group is on the higher end, your insurance is bound to be expensive in most cases.
Exceptions to the size point discussed above are cars with turbocharged engines. These engines are extremely powerful and packed. Hence, they are smaller in size. A machine with a one-litre capacity today will usually be turbocharged. But since it provides a power-packed performance, the turbocharged engines are expensive, which raises the price of your insurance too. However, check with your car insurance company if your policy covers turbocharged engines.

3. What does it mean to have a powerful car:
Chances are that if your car comes under the category of powerful vehicles, it has an engine that delivers high and fast performance and reaches top speeds within seconds. Thus, there is a prediction that the thrill might make you more vulnerable to road accidents, making your car more prone to damages you will claim on your insurance policy.
This cycle raises the price of your insurance because the compensation for your claims about your powerful car will be bigger too. A similar process goes with expensive cars. The fancy technology, the sky-high prices, and the threat of your expensive vehicle getting stolen push the cost of your insurance.

But other factors are involved in determining your insurance and premium prices, including your driving history. Look for the best car insurance company in India that provides premiums and benefits perfectly matching your requirements.

And while we are discussing car insurance, claims, and premiums, you need to understand the importance car insurance holds. Especially if your car ends up being part of an accident or unfortunate circumstances, insurance will come in handy to keep you financially stress-free. At the same time, you focus on getting your vehicle fixed and resolving the situation. So, you must purchase your car insurance from the best car insurance company in India.

Click HERE to learn more about the benefits of the best car insurance company in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Are you confused between different versions of the same car while buying? Here's our guide

We all have noticed that whenever a brand launches its new car, there are different versions/variants. These variants have additional features and are placed at different price ranges. The base model is set at the starting price, while the top model takes away the cake by being priced higher. But why do these companies launch variants of the same car model and provide different features?

While purchasing a car, you need to look at various resources to educate yourself about different brands and their cars, your budget, the features you want, and the type of car you want. Are you finding it difficult to arrive at a final decision about which car you want to buy? Or have you finalised the model of the vehicle but are confused about the variant? Here's our guide. This blog will answer this question and provide sufficient information to make an informed decision.

1. There are multiple versions of a car. Why?
Car manufacturers have been creating different versions of a car. The term" variant" refers explicitly to a specific vehicle version. Car manufacturers prefer this method to market their products and distribute the needs of different sections of people. This way, they attempt to persuade their target audience for a particular vehicle and are forced to buy a variant on the upper end from what they initially set out to purchase. The distribution of features is finely done, targeting to expand the car's sales potential.
There is absolutely no fixed number of variants when it comes to the automobile industry. Car manufacturers can launch any number of variants of the same car model and tweak the features strategically to lure in the customers. The variants usually depend on the popularity of the car model, the brand, the consumer loyalty and the brand's reputation and accountability, etc.

2. The number of different features you should look for.
As we discussed earlier in the introduction, other parts in the variants of a car model lead to the difference in the price range. And these price ranges determine which car is under your budget and more accessible to you. But what are some of the features you as a customer should be on the lookout for?

Interior material:
There might be differences in your car's interior from the model in the high ranges. You will notice differences between the seat cover of the variants, and the personalisation options provided might seem limited too if you compare with the cars on the higher end.

Safety always comes first:
Every car today usually comes with several airbags, increasing as you go towards the higher-end variants. Apart from that, many safety features are incorporated into all vehicles in the current times. But the level of safety aids might differ in the car variants and models. Base level cars provide the standard features while vehicles in the higher end comes with premium safety features, which creates the allurement in the market.

Other determining features to look forward to are engines, fuel efficiency, mileage, navigation systems, and other technologies. So, take a wise decision to decide between the different versions of the same car that fits your budget and requirements. The prices are rising, and there seems to be no relief anytime soon. Therefore, in unpredictable times, you need to safeguard your crucial assets like cars with insurance.

Purchase car insurance to ensure you are one step ahead and can focus on resolving the situation. Also, remember, as there are different models and variants of cars available in the market, there are several car insurance options with different prices. You must determine the best car insurance price in India and invest in a comprehensive coverage plan.

Click HERE to learn more about the best car insurance price in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Best tips for choosing the right motorcycle for seniors

Many people love riding motorcycles. It's fun, daring, and adventurous. Whenever we talk about bike fanatics, we imagine a young adult riding a motorcycle with cool bike gear, taking a long trip in an aesthetically beautiful location. But, are motorcycles only for the youth?

Senior citizens also love riding bikes. But when it comes to the type of bikes they should go for, you must take care of certain factors given their age, mental conditions, body, fragility, accidental risks, road conditions, driving skills, etc. Are you looking for advice on how to help the seniors in your family take up their hobby while ensuring they stay safe? This blog will provide tips for choosing the right motorcycle for seniors. Let's dive in.

1. Ensuring the body to be fit to ride:
The number of senior citizens' road accidents has been rising worldwide. They are likely to get seriously injured or even die in bike crashes. Senior citizen accidents rose by almost forty percent, and the leading causes are a lack of protective gear like helmets, driving at high speed, and drinking and driving.
All these three reasons are against the road safety regulations, and one must consider this before getting a bike for the senior member of their family. Some other reasons for aged people to be prone to road accidents include vision impairment, sensory delay, reduced reaction time, balance and alignment issues, reduction in brain size, weakness, lack of bone strength, etc.
One must keep these factors in mind before you help the senior citizens hit the road on their own. If there are any such issues, you need to ensure their safety and consider the best options like accompanying them on the exact vehicle, being around whenever they drive, setting limitations of driving if the senior member is comfortable with it, etc.

2. Picking the right motorcycle and getting back to practising:
First and foremost, you must consider all possibilities and risks before going out to get a bike. Safety comes first. You need to purchase a motorcycle that suits and prioritises their driving skills, size, handling capacity, and security.
Some things you need to take care of include their height and weight, which have changed over the years and are still variable. Their size should be enough to operate all the controls and set their foot on the ground so they can control the bike whenever there is a sudden need. Their weight also should be able to handle the body and design of the bike. The weight of the senior member would determine their ability to manoeuver the bike quickly and efficiently. So, you need to ensure that you get a lightweight bike for them so that they can operate and balance it easily, even on uneven terrains. Maintaining bike control is essential for yourself and others on the road.
If not, it can potentially cause dangerous accidents leading to severe consequences. And last but not least, you need to help them plan their itinerary if they choose to go for a trip, and help them practice in a nearby area with decent roads, which would also help a beginner.

Those were some of the best tips for choosing the right motorcycle for seniors. The senior family members have the right and freedom to live their passion of biking and enjoying their retired life. If you are an older person, then just follow the above tips and encourage yourself to set out on short leisure rides or long adventurous trips.

But during any of these daily or weekend activities, the unpredictability on the road is always a concern. So, to ensure that even if you end up in difficult circumstances which can potentially cost you a hefty amount, you should buy the best two wheeler insurance in India to ensure that you focus on getting your ride fixed instead of fixating and worrying about finances. Get your gear, wear your helmet, and get ready to hit the road again!

Click HERE to know more about the best two wheeler insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Here are the important steps you can follow to appeal a health insurance claim denial

If you are suffering from health issues and other illnesses, health insurance is crucial in covering the expenses for treatment and medicines. A safety net in the form of health insurance can take a significant load off yourself and your family. However, it can be nerve-wracking if your health insurance claim does not go through. An insurance claim can be rejected for various reasons, and depending on your insurance provider, they may or may not provide clear reasons why the claim was denied.

So, if you are worried about claim denials and want to know the next steps that need to be done, this article is for you.

What are the reasons for claim denial?
There can be many reasons why the insurance company may reject your claim. Upon receiving a claim, the insurance company cross-checks every document from the policyholder to verify the policy's validity and the claim's authenticity. Some of the significant reasons for claim denial are issues with the cover. There is a list of illnesses and treatments that insurance doesn't cover. If your claim falls under such a category, the insurance company can reject your claim. Other reasons could be missing information, expired validity, and lack of supporting documents.

How can you rectify and reapply?
If you are eligible to reapply, you should thoroughly go through every document and ensure that there is no missing information and that all the supporting documents are attached. After providing these documents, you can reapply for your insurance. However, if the reason for prior rejection was an expired policy, then you cannot reapply for the insurance. The validity period of your policy is the only contract holding the insurance company accountable to you. If a claim was made without an active policy, the insurance company is authosied to reject the claim.

How to write a letter of appeal to the insurance company?
This is probably one of the easiest and most effective ways to undo claim rejection. Write an appeal letter to the insurance company stating facts and attach supporting documents to strengthen your case. Papers such as treatment plans, medical bills, etc., are some examples of the supporting documents that you can use. If your claim looks valid to the insurance providers, they will approve them immediately.

Who is an ombudsman, and how can they help?
If none of the steps mentioned above works, you should consider going to an ombudsperson to review your claim. An ombudsman is an officer appointed by the government for the policy holders' fair disbursement of insurance money. Any grievance against an insurance company can be made to an insurance ombudsman. If your insurance claim was rejected or the company has not responded to your appeal, then the ombudsman is responsible for resolving the issue.
After careful consideration, the ombudsman recommends a settlement or an award that must be complied within the next fifteen to thirty days.

These are a few things you can do to ensure that your health insurance claim is approved. Health insurance claim rejection is not something that you need to stress about. Understanding why the plea was rejected and rectifying the issues will help you reapply for health insurance. Insurance companies must be careful against fraudulent claims, which is why they have stringent policies to disburse the insurance amount to the rightful people.

Before buying your health insurance in India, read all the papers carefully. Understanding the terms and conditions before purchasing your policy ensures that you have no trouble at the time of claiming the insurance. Analyse your requirements and opt for a tailor-made policy for you to reap the benefits of health insurance.

Click HERE to know more about health insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Let's understand the working of car rental insurance

In the modern era, cars no longer remain a luxury. Instead, they have come under the list of essentials. While a four-wheeler is crucial for ease, accessibility, and comfort while travelling, it's not always possible to buy one on your own due to the heavy expenses. However, rental cars are the perfect solution.

While we're on the topic of rental cars, it is essential to understand rental car insurance as well. If, unfortunately, you end up in an accident during your driving, insurance will provide you with the right added protection and coverage. Now let's understand the working of rental car insurance.

1. There are different types of rental car insurance. You can select the one which caters to your needs best:

• Personal accident protection – It offers medical cost coverage for you and your co-passengers in case of personal injuries.

• Loss and Damage Waiver (LDW) – It is also called the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW). Rather than being a proper policy, this is a waiver scheme that prohibits the rental company from chasing after you in case of damage or if the vehicle is stolen.

• Supplemental Liability Protection – This provides cover against the damages done from your end.

• Personal effects coverage – This ensures coverage against personal items getting stolen from your rental car.

2. If you don't have auto insurance, it is advisable to get rental car insurance. A non-owner car insurance policy covers only liability. So, it is advised that you purchase damage protection. In addition, driving without car insurance is illegal, and you can get heavily fined if you do so.

3. Your personal policy does not cover the repair cost if you get into an accident and end up damaging the car. Therefore, think about purchasing a Loss and Damage Waiver (LDW) if you lack a collision and comprehensive coverage on your personal auto insurance policy.

4. Rental insurance is also beneficial if you're renting a car for a business trip or personal travel and are unsure about personal auto insurance coverage limitations.

5. Depending on personal car insurance to protect against the damages caused to the rental car can land you into paying a deductible. Instead, buy rental car insurance, which covers the cost of repair and avoids paying a deductible.

6. The cost of rental car insurance depends on several factors. It relies on the company you purchase the coverage from, the type of car you are renting, the state you are in, and the number of miles/kilometres you are travelling. Your costs will also increase if you purchase add-on coverages.

Now that we have taken a closer look at the working of rental car insurance, a wise option would be to think about your car and its protection against unanticipated damages. The best part about this whole process is that you can explore your options and buy car insurance policy online that suits your needs without any hassle. Travel without worry and explore the places you want to visit using an affordable commutation option and multiple insurance benefits.

Click HERE to know more about how you can buy car insurance policy online.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Apartment living vs. Independent housing: Which choice to make

Owning a house is a dream that most of us wish to turn into reality. We come across pictures of beautiful properties and aspire to own one of them at some point in our lives. However, zeroing down on the house in downtown areas of the city can be an expensive deal. In a country like India, where the population growth is exponential, vertical housing or apartments are inevitable. Over the past decade, we have seen an increasing trend of housing societies and sky-high buildings making their way around the town.

This trend is more prevalent in metros or tier-one cities because of the rising working population. Therefore, buying an independent property in such a city requires an exorbitant price, forcing a second thought. However, the records for a smaller city present a different story, where people still have the ability and the assets to choose independent living and prefer doing the same.

Let's individually understand the perks of both apartment living and independent living and then leave a choice for you to take.

Benefits of apartment living:
Apartments these days are primarily built-in clusters within a housing society where several families reside with all the facilities such as supermarkets, gyms, pools, playgrounds, personal parking spaces, etc. People prefer this form of housing because it ensures easy accessibility, round-the-clock security, regular maintenance, orderly garbage disposal, and an overall community experience that boosts social connectivity.
Another reason why people prefer a pre-built house is because the total cost comes out to be way less than building a house right from laying the bricks. A significant hassle of building a house from scratch is the cost of the plot, legal formalities and clearances, and setting up electricity and water connections. So, choosing to go with apartments makes it more convenient and stress-free.
However, apartments come with a set design, and there is only so much you can do to make changes, which would add up to a surplus amount at the end of the day.

Benefits of independent housing:
Independent housing is ideal for those who enjoy living on their terms. While constructing your house independently, you will be able to choose the design and layout. You can customise the size and the number of rooms. The inbuilt design, windows, balconies, or terrace can all be according to your preference.
People interested in gardening can also benefit a lot from the space around the house. Independent houses ensure more privacy, as these don't share common walls, and there is a significant distance between two consecutive houses. Another huge benefit is that, over time, these kinds of properties fetch a lot of value. Land value is skyrocketing these days, so owning land and a house on it is a massive investment with great returns.

So these are a few benefits of both kinds of housing. House is a place you will call home eventually, so giving a reasonable amount of time and making the right choice that fits your lifestyle is essential. The choice between independent houses or apartments is yours to make, but opting for the best home insurance in India should be non-negotiable as it adds value to your home, may it be an apartment or a bungalow.

Click HERE to learn about the best home insurance in India.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


How do self-driving cars work, and how will they impact in shaping the future?

Self-driving automobiles, previously thought to be a sci-fi fantasy, are now cruising the streets in some parts of the world, but there's a catch. They are not yet capable of reaching the benchmark of human drivers. Using the most sophisticated 3D imagery and Artificial Intelligence, car manufacturers want to provide users with a hands-free experience without jeopardizing personal safety. In today's post, we speak about the technology behind these cars and how they influence the future of mobility.

How exactly Self-driving automobiles work?
When the driver selects a destination into the car's navigation system, the software determines a route and drives the car towards it by tracing the route map. A revolving sensor mounted on the roof monitors a 60-meter radius surrounding the vehicle and generates a dynamic 3-D representation of the surroundings.

A sensor on the left rear tyre detects lateral movement to determine the vehicle's position to the 3-D map. Another couple of radar sensors in the front and rear bumpers calculate obstacle distances. The car's AI software is linked to all sensors and receives data from Google's Street View and integrated video cameras. Artificial Intelligence then mimics human perception and handles driving systems like steering and braking.

The vehicle's software constantly checks Google Maps & built-in GPS to be aware of landmarks, road signs, and lights. An override feature allows the drivers to take over the control of the vehicle whenever they want.

Now that you know how a self-driven car works. Let's look at its possible impact on our future.

1. Settlements:
People generally settle near their workplaces to avoid spending the time commuting daily. However, with self-driven cars, people will have extra time for other activities and personal leisure time as they won't have to drive, which means that they will no longer need to settle as close to the workplaces as before.

2. Fewer Accidents:
We know most accidents occur due to human errors. With no humans behind the wheels, there's no possibility of human error resulting in fewer accidents.

3. Mobility for disabled and elderly:
Differently abled people and the elderly will no longer have to depend on others to drive for them. They can just hop in and start navigating.

4. Fewer traffic jams:
Most traffic jams occur due to the congestion of the vehicles on the roads. Everyone wants to get ahead and, in the process, disrupts a free flow of traffic. Self-driving cars can cut down traffic by multiple folds. Sophisticated software and radars will have a sophisticated driving pattern.

5. Less human touch:
A self-driven car is all about software and sensors. They can never be 100% accurate and lack emotions and feelings. The inability to adapt quickly combined with a lack of emotions can have adverse impacts.

The possibilities for driverless cars are endless, and the imagination is at the top among car manufacturers. However, self-driving technology is not yet fully developed. It will take up a significant amount of time, and legal obligations before autonomous vehicles dominate the roads.

Till then, it's time to focus on what we have at hand. May it be a self-driven car or a non-autonomous car, safety always remains an important aspect for both the categories. And, when the safety of assets is concerned, insurance is the solution. So, as we talk about future technologies, why not consider purchasing online car insurance by making the best use of the internet and online resources for a hassle-free buying experience.

Click HERE to know more about online car insurance plans.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Understand these four things before you modify your two-wheeler

Bikes are never out of fashion, and every biker wants his favourite bike to be the show-stopper. You may have seen a lot of tastefully customized bikes and may be interested in modifying your two-wheeler. Different people have different reasons for customizing their motorcycles. Some do it for better designs, while others do it to improve performance or safety.

No matter the reason, here are four things that you should know before you shift into high gear and head straight to one of the bike modification shops.

1. What The Motor law says:
When considering change, the first thing to examine is if the law allows it. To illustrate, if you wish to update the engine to boost its power output, your registration certificate should reflect such modifications. As a result, you must go to the Regional Transport Office and have your registration certificate updated. Minor cosmetic changes, such as adding a sticker, are permissible without clearance. Each state has its own set of rules regulating the use of lights, indicators, license plates, and horns. Before making any changes to your bike, you must comply with the government's regulations, or you'll have to pay a heavy fine. Ensure that you stay lawful!

2. Types of Modifications and their Impact on premiums of 2 wheeler insurance:
Performance-based modification: Performance enhancements on two-wheelers often involve fuel-efficient technologies or mechanisms to enhance speed. Remember, a higher speed increases the probability of an accident. Given the danger, it will surely raise your 2 wheeler insurance premium.
Aesthetic modification:When you modify your bike to look more aesthetic, it raises the chances of theft, thus increasing the premium.
Safety modification: By adding security features to your bike, you reduce the chances of bike theft. As a result, you save money on insurance costs too.
Modifications for the disabled:If a specially-abled person rides a bike and is modified to meet the convenience, the insurance provider will not charge an additional premium.

3. Inform your insurance provider:
Keep your insurance company informed of any alterations you want to make to your two-wheeler. Some two-wheeler changes may result in an increased premium amount. Failure to disclose these modifications may be seen as unlawful, leading to claim denial by the insurer.

4. Get the job done by a professional:
While the potential for heavy-duty modifications to two-wheelers is restricted, you can still make many alterations. Paintworks, for example, are still permitted as long as they are within the RTO guidelines. Similarly, the installation of minor extras such as decals, visors, and engine fairings remains allowed. Make sure that only specialists perform these tasks.

Remember, your bike is a machine, and like any other machine, it has its limitations. Therefore, you need a skilled bike modifier who can assess your bike's capabilities, consider your needs in terms of adjustments, and then begin working on a plan.

Whether you modify your vehicle or not, you must hold valid insurance if you want to ride your two-wheeler lawfully on Indian roads. Also, you need to prepare yourself for uncertain events or situations like accidents, maintenance fees, and other service costs involved before they take a toll on your finances. So get reliable 2 wheeler insurance and forget all the stress.

Click HERE to know about the most economical plans for your 2 wheeled companion.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Festival sale! How to get a good deal for a new bike

It is the festive season in India, the perfect time for family get-togethers, mini-vacations and the excitement of shopping! Irrespective of the socio-economic factors and the varied buying habits of customers, Indians dominate the world in their crazy obsession with shopping.

And this creates an excellent business opportunity not only for the wholesalers but also the retailers. With super busy markets, sales reach new heights, and people begin to recognize themselves as shopaholics. But we can't blame them, can we? With all the exciting deals around, no one will be able to resist the urge to buy things.

And, so it seems like a pleasant occasion to buy the new bike you have wanted for a long time now. In this article, we will assist you in getting an excellent deal for the new bike you wish to bring home this festive season.

1. Evaluate different options: Check out all the options available to you, as the same bike might be available at different prices across different showrooms. Evaluating alternatives and substitutes always result in a better price. Compare the offers that all the showrooms or private dealers have for you during this festival. Always go for offers with a monetary discount and not just some freebies.

2. Do not rush, take it slow: Take your time to do things your way. People always have a fear of missing out. 'Last day' and 'limited stocks' are a few of the many things dealers say to make you swipe your cards. Also, don't stress if the festival ends. Often the sellers extend the offer for the next few days. If you miss Ganesh Chaturthi, there is always a Navratri sale, and the following is a Dhanteras offer, not to forget about the Diwali season. So, the bait of 'last chance, hurry up!' is not for you to fall prey to.

3. Payment mode of smart finances: We often neglect the payment mode thinking it does not make a huge difference, but it does. If you pay close attention, you will notice that net banking charges, credit and debit cards, or a payment application are different for different brands and dealerships. Certain bank cards provide you with an extra 5% or more discount. Making a cash payment at the counter might also earn you a concession. So do not overlook all these aspects if you want to grab the best deals that don't loosen your pocket much!

4. Beware of fake deals: Many dealers trick you by hiking prices just before the season starts and then provide discounts, making no difference in your price. Do not fall for freebies! Not all of them are useful. And if they attract you, you will only end up gathering a load of unwanted items.

Bike insurance will always be a necessity when you buy a new bike. Even the insurance companies flash exciting offers and unique festive benefits to attract potential customers. You can check the BIKE INSURANCE ONLINE, compare the deals of multiple companies, and buy the one offering the best value-for-money.

Do you think is it fair to select products solely based on their price? Sure, money matters, but so do standards and features. It is safe to do some market research beforehand to bring good fortune for you this festive season. Look beyond the offer and also focus on the specifications of the bike you decide to buy. That is how you make a real deal.

Planning to buy bike insurance online for your brand new bike? Click HERE to get the best deals.

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for illustrative purposes only. To get more details, please refer to policy wordings and prospectus before purchasing a policy.


Five ways you can stay healthy at your workplace

Is working 9-5 taking a toll on your health? Sometimes we involve ourselves so much in work that we forget to pay attention on our health. Unfortunately, it commonly happens to every other working person. And even though we try our best to bring a balance, we somehow end up neglecting our health.

Most people blame their jobs for not being in good shape. However, it is no news that most of the population works in offices and remains at their desks for about 9-10 hours a day.

Such a lifestyle looks manageable while you’re young, but as you grow old, it starts to have terrible consequences on your health, including back pain, eye strains, stress, neck syndrome and those extra calories adding up to obesity.

Go through these five tips to find simple ways to balance your health and work simultaneously.

1. Drink adequate amounts of water and have healthy meals:

Pay proper attention to how much water you consume while at work. It is essential to stay hydrated throughout the day for an active mind and body. Similarly, eating a healthy lunch is an equally important part of a balanced diet. Make salads and fresh fruits a part of your meals. Eat reasonable portions and do not skip lunch. Avoid nibbling on snacks while working.

2. Frequent breaks:

Make sure you take a 5-10 minute break every 2 hours. Do not confuse yourself by thinking a break is a waste of time. On the contrary, you must consider it as a way to be more productive. Sitting at a place for too long can make you less productive. Just like any system, your body needs time off to keep performing in a better condition.

3. Hygiene and cleanliness of your workplace:

Your computer keyboard, mouse, and telephone can be a harbour for those germs just waiting to get you sick. Beware of your surroundings, ensure cleanliness and proper hygiene of your workplace. For instance, your desktop or laptop needs to be regularly cleaned. Use disinfectant, keep sanitizing wipes handy to clean the surface of your workplace and table often.

4. Follow a workout routine:

One of the good things you can do to stay healthy and in shape is exercise. Squeeze in a workout routine in your daily schedule as much as possible. Exercising for at least thirty minutes is recommended for keeping the best shape and health. Walking for a few minutes during lunch is also a great idea. Find a walking partner in the office whom you can join in for a daily walk.

5. Get a good health insurance:

In today’s world of stressful lifestyles, it is very important to have your health backed up by health insurance. Some companies have even made it mandatory for their employees to have one. Look for online health insurance, choose the best that fits you and purchase online health insurance without hesitation.

People always tend to turn a blind eye towards their health and end up prioritizing work over health. Take a note of the above valuable tips to ponder on staying healthy when at work. Work has no alternative, nor does health, so be wise and have health insurance backup.