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Quick Guide on Liability Insurance! 12th February 2020
Liability insurance provides the insured party protection against claims resulting from damage or harm to people or property. Intentional damage and contractual liabilities are not covered, but legal costs and payouts are generally attended to and paid. This type of insurance is also called third party insurance.
If an insured party damages someone else's property or harms someone else by mistake, liability insurance comes to place. These policies can be taken by anyone who drives a car, owns a business, practices law or medicine or just anyone who can be sued for damages or injuries. Following is a brief guide on the public liability insurance policy and all that it covers.
Due to various kinds of liability insurance available, almost anybody can get liability insurance for products, employees etc. below are the main types of liability insurance-
- Employer’s liability and workers’ compensation- This is a mandatory coverage in case employees are harmed or injured in the process of work, and this protects business accordingly.
- Product liability insurance- This insurance is for businesses that manufacture products that are sold in the market. In this case, business is protected against any lawsuit arising from an injury or death resulting from their products.
- Indemnity insurance- This insurance protects the company from negligence claims due to financial harm resulting from failure to perform.
- Umbrella Liability Policies - These usually come handy when liability limits of other insurances are reached. These liabilities are designed to protect against catastrophic events.
- Commercial General Liability- Also known as commercial liability insurance, it provides an insurance cover against various kinds of lawsuits including those that may arise from an unforeseen event with an employee, any public property damage or injuries caused by the negligence of an employee.
- Comprehensive General Liability- These kinds of Liability insurances are tailor-made for small and large businesses, typically include bodily injury, property damage, personal and advertising injury, medical payments, and operations liability. In this, compensatory and general damages on losses are paid, but punitive damages are not paid usually. However, it covers the charges of investigation or defending a lawsuit.
- The premium amount for these public liability insurance policies is based on the needs of your company and your company's priorities. For example, a real estate company or a makeup company may have more risks than an organic grain company. This is also because the bigger the size of the company, the greater is the risk. A good public liability insurance policy will take into consideration these factors.
Here are a few rights and duties of the insurer:
- The insurer investigates an event that has resulted in a liability claim.
- The injured can defend the insured in any lawsuit related to a covered type of injury.
- The insurer may settle a lawsuit at his discretion.
- Cost of providing defense is handled by the insurer.
The following are advantages of a public liability insurance policy:
- Protected against unexpected circumstances- Even after taking precautions and managing operations, there are unexpected circumstances that may cause more harm than imagined. Having public liability insurance ensures that you've selected a liability to cover for such unexpected inconveniences.
- You could get more deals - It is easier for large businesses and firms to trust your company and find it reliable if they are aware of the liability insurances in place. This gives you an edge over other competitors and could also be your saving grace.
- You may be covered against a data breach - With which data like important information about employees, products, deals, social security data, etc. data security becomes increasingly important. It is a must for every company to have a liability to cover hacking and other data breaches.
Having considered the above factors, your public liability insurance policy will not be complete if you do not personally understand the needs of your company and find public liability insurance according to that.